Emergency? Call 911 671-645-5500
TJC Accredited
3 consecutive terms
Best Off-Base Hospital
Stars & Stripes Newspaper
Advanced Primary Stroke Center
By the Joint Commission


Details about our services

About our Emergency Services

Physicians, nurses and support staff are on duty in the GRMC Emergency Department 24-hours a day, seven days a week. They are at the front line of the care we provide.

Every person who comes to our emergency Department is evaluated. Every emergency case is treated. During our first year of operation more than 60% of the emergency cases brought to our Emergency Department involved Medicaid, MIP or self-pay patients, all of whom received treatment regardless of their ability to pay. The GRMC Emergency Department is fully compliant with the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act [EMTALA].

Our Doctors

James H. Williams, M.D.

Emergency Medicine

Keitaroh Takeda, M.D.

Emergency Medicine

Yoshito Okumura, M.D.

Emergency Medicine, Sports Medicine

Cole Nelson, M.D.

Emergency Medicine

Leslie Rea Kallevang, M.D.

Emergency Medicine

Louise Lane Gutierrez, M.D.

Infectious Disease

Charmaine R. Gregory, M.D.

Emergency Medicine

PRESS RELEASE: Guam Regional Medical City Introduces Dr. Supannee “Jill” Rassameehiran | Gastroenterologist, Hepatologist