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GRMC Celebrates 7th Anniversary

Guam Regional Medical City (GRMC) celebrates its 7th anniversary on Friday, July 1, 2022, and has a variety of events planned for its employee partners and the community. The morning starts off with GRMC team members participating in a “Wave with GRMC” activity at the Micronesian Mall intersection from 7:30 – 8:30AM. Upon return to the hospital, a catered breakfast will be provided for all GRMC employees at 9:00AM. An anniversary celebration will then be held in the hospital lobby at 2:00PM and will include a blessing and opening remarks, Employee of the 2nd Quarter presentation, games and prizes, and the consumption of a variety of anniversary cakes and other refreshments.

Later in the month, GRMC will be collaborating with the Mayor of Dededo, Melissa Savares, to celebrate Liberation Day by participating in Guam’s 78th Liberation Parade on July 21st and providing free giveaways to the community. On Monday, July 25th, GRMC will host a breakfast event from 7:00 – 9:00AM at the Dusit Thani Guam Resort for community healthcare providers to introduce the GRMC team of physicians and present the hospital’s revamped Clinician Portal and Referrals Management System.  On Sunday, July 31st, GRMC will host a Community Health Fair at the Micronesian Mall Center Court from 11:00AM – 3:00PM where there will be free health screening, a chance to meet GRMC’s physicians, information about GRMC’s services, and prizes and giveaways.

“GRMC thanks the government and the people of Guam for allowing us to serve you,” said GRMC President & CEO, Alan Funtanilla.

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