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GRMC Announces the Services Still Available for Outpatients

(Thursday, March 19, 2020; Dededo, Guam) In light of recent changes at Guam Regional Medical City (GRMC) in response to the COVID-19 emergency, the hospital would like to announce the following services still available to outpatients.

The following departments are still open for outpatient care: Cardiology, Pulmonary, Orthopedics, Infectious Disease, Neurology and Neurosurgery, Medical Oncology and Radiation Oncology.

With Executive Order 2020-05 mandating social isolation for the island, GRMC has been actively reducing patient visits and prioritizing those in need of more acute follow ups. Outpatients requiring less urgent follow up will be contacted via telemedicine and do not need to come to the hospital.

GRMC will continue to accept and evaluate new referrals with urgent needs. We are also still performing outpatient procedures, like echo, Zio patch, radiology and lab work. Active chemotherapy will continue on a case by case basis.

Although GRMC has suspended its visiting policy, one companion will be allowed per outpatient.

GRMC regrets any inconvenience as we respond to the COVID-19 situation, but these changes must be made to ensure we are compliant with the Governor’s Executive order and to maintain the continuing safety of our patients, staff, and healthcare providers.

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